
New Students: 2 Weeks Unlimited

  • 2 weeks unlimited yoga!

  • 2 weeks of unlimited yoga! Offer is only valid on first visit. Limit 1 per student. Special events and workshops are not included.

Drop-in Class +40min/<40min

  • Use this purchase option to buy a class for a friend. You can add the class to their account to be used at a later date.

  • Drop-in purchases are automatically processed when booking a class. This pass is only necessary when gifting a class for future use. Class is valid for 1 year.

    Please note, due to varying class formats we offer 2 drop in rates depending on how long the class is.

5 Class Pack

  • 5 class pack, available for all weekly classes.

  • Classes can be shared with friends and family. Expires after 2 months.

10 Class Pack

  • 10 class pack, available for all weekly classes.

  • Classes can be shared with friends and family. Expires after 4 months.

Membership Options

1x a Week Membership

  • This membership is for the person looking to start their yoga routine and slowly develop.

  • You receive 4 credits for the month to be used at your discretion, although the intention is that you are developing your 1x a week routine. This membership includes 10% off retail and workshops!

2x a Week Membership

  • This membership is for the person looking to progress their yoga practice.

  • You receive 8 credits for the month to be used at your discretion, although the intention is that you are developing your 2x a week routine. This membership includes 10% off retail and workshops!

1 Month Unlimited Membership

  • 1 month of unlimited yoga classes.

  • Unlimited Memberships include 20% off workshops and LH retail products.

    Membership cannot be transferred or shared. Cancel or pause anytime.

3 Months Unlimited Membership

  • 3 months of unlimited yoga classes.

  • You receive unlimited credits for a 3 month period. This membership includes 20% off retail and workshops!

    Membership cannot be transferred or shared. Cancel or pause anytime.

Gift Cards

Annual Membership

  • 1 year of unlimited yoga classes.

  • This membership includes 20% off retail and workshops, PLUS one free private session, and one free massage.

    Membership cannot be transferred or shared. Cancel or pause anytime.

Looking for the perfect gift? Give the gift of yoga! Gift Cards are available for purchase to be used towards classes, workshops, trainings, and massages!