Yamas: Satya
The principal of satya is another one of the yamas. The lesson is one of truthfulness. The word sat means “that which exists, that which is.” Satya, refers to our thoughts, actions, and words reflecting what truly exists, in contrast to the reality that our individual perceptions and opinions cause us to see.
Without further investigation, we may believe we are dutiful followers of satya, generally leading an honest life. What gets overlooked is the way our past experiences, and the emotions tied to them, can alter what we believe to be true.
There is a concept taught in the Yoga Sutras called citta. Citta is essentially the space between the true self, the divine being that we are, and the outside world of experiences and happenings. As we move through life and develop our own understanding of how the world works and who we are in it, our citta gets clouded. How we define ourselves and the meaning being the actions of other people creates a filter.
When we express truthfulness in our thoughts, actions, and words it requires staying aware of the assumptions are making, and when we are going off our opinions or prejudices.
Another idea to consider is that multiple things can be true. It is possible to say the truth without oversharing or imposing our ideas on another person. This is applicable to satya because honesty should be prefaced by ahimsa (doing no harm).
Practicing Satya
You are invited to spend time with someone you prefer not to be around. Maybe this person is encroaching on your boundaries, makes you feel uncomfortable, or simply isn’t someone you want to develop a closeness to. It can be difficult to figure out how honor yourself and also stay commited to truthfulness without hurt feelings.
In this situation we want to be honest but also compassionate in our communication. Before you speak, ask yourself - is it true, is it kind, is it timely, is it necessary?
In our example, if you are invited to get a coffee for instance, you can create space by saying something simple like “no, but you enjoy!”. When we use a response like “not today, maybe another time”, what happens when the next time comes around? If we aren’t up front in the most kind way possible at the start, we end up in a loop of white lies.
If the situation arises where this person continues to ask and press for your time, you can still elaborate without posing your opinions and assumptions. Rather than expressing your disinterest in their company, you can express that you hate to keep turning them down, but you are being more selective with your time and you appreciate the offer.
You can’t expect people to know your boundaries if you don’t communicate them.
To be successful in the practice of satya you must know yourself. This process requires reflection and awareness over who you are, how you are affected by the happenings around you, and what your preferences are. When there is clarity over your own biases, and you develop an understanding that the people around you are influenced in a similar way, you can see things as they are and speak to them in a clear and kind way.
This practice is not intended to be simple or easy, but commitment and dedicated effort of returning to our mat and returning to self reflection keeps us on the path.