What does the Winter Solstice mean to you and how will you celebrate it this season? The transition from fall to winter is celebrated all over the world and has been an auspicious time for many cultures over many thousands of years. Please join us for an evening full of meditation, learning and reflection as we step into this time honored tradition.
As a group, we will explore the meaning behind this change in season, what it means for our mind, body and soul and how to best incorporate the spirit of this time of year into our lives. We will learn about celebrations, meditate together, and breathe in the spirit of the coming winter months.
There is a time and season for all things. Winter invites us to turn inward, create space for quiet reflection, and dream about a life filled with abundance and possibilities. Spring is coming.
Please bring a journal and a pen.
Join guest teacher, Lynne McDonald for this very special evening. Over the past 10 years, Lynne has been dedicated to sharing the benefits of yoga, meditation and mindfulness to others by leading community workshops and healing circles. She combines her vast professional experience along with her training as a Master Reiki teacher, Certified Yoga Instructor and Spiritual teacher into a holistic method which she applies to her one on one and group sessions.
Learn more about Lynne and what lights her up! https://www.lynnemcdonaldhealing.com